The Seven Seals
Case I: The Seven Seals There will be three (3) sets of seven (7) judgements from God unto the world after the Rapture. There are different views of when the judgement will occur. I believe […]
Are you Ready?
Case I: The Seven Seals There will be three (3) sets of seven (7) judgements from God unto the world after the Rapture. There are different views of when the judgement will occur. I believe […]
Case III: One World Church(Unified Religion) We have been predicting for a full decade now, that the current Ecumenical Movement was a precursor to the global religion of Antichrist, which, according to Scriptural Prophecy, is […]
The final generation will be the one that witnesses the blossoming of the “fig tree.”(Matthew 24:32)Fulfillment: Israel returned as a nation in 1948 fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham. Israel is always referred to as the “fig […]